We, at Citis Infotech, firmly believe that it is not the quantum but the quality of your work that determines your substance. Therefore, right from the inception of this organization, our endeavor has always been to maintain the highest quality of standards, thus enabling our clients, schools, colleges and private institutions to develop the technological edge required to excel in the noble profession of education, and further help the students to be vital, sensible, and creative future contributors.

Our quality policy and objectives are well defined, clear and transparent. Our quality policy is to empower our clients, partners, students, and the society with high-quality technology, technical know-how, build educational expertise, render consultation, and shape the overall educational infrastructure that would, in turn, foster the development of skills for tomorrow.

ISO Certified Organization

We are an ISO certified organization. Our products and services are tested and reviewed against the highest quality standards, thus approving our products to be executed in the market. Our scope of ISO certification includes the design, development, and implementation of educational products, besides facilitating management consulting services to our clients. We ensure that we deliver the highest quality of educational products to our clients. This, in turn, is ensured through the strong quality management and testing system that we follow the Citis Infotech. All the course content, training programs, infrastructure, etc. are designed and reviewed by industry experts, thus being endorsed and ready to be implemented in the real world.

Constant Progress through Sustainable Innovations

At Citis, we believe in constant, consistent, but steady progress. However, we also acknowledge the fact that progress is not only about profits and expansion. Rather, it should happen through a sense of responsibility towards the society by indulging in innovations that would support the entire social, educational and environmental eco-system. Therefore, at Citis, we always innovate with an aim to develop the society and mankind, as a whole.

Technological Empowerment to our Clients

Since technology is causing worldwide changes to the conventional systems, our Citis, we ensure that our clients – schools, colleges, private institutions, our partners and our associates are empowered with technology through our products, services and training programs. Through this, we intend to create a future-ready generation and build skills for tomorrow.

A Progressive and Conducive Learning Environment

At Citis, we also assist our clients in developing physical learning infrastructure. We facilitate progressive and conducive learning environment to the students, by employing the latest technology and systems in their learning process. Besides, we do not let our course content stagnate. We keep updating our course content, aligning it with the needs and demands of the real-world, and from the viewpoint of the futuristic trends and requirements of the world. Through our educational practices, we encourage pupils to imagine, innovate, and explore the horizon of endless possibilities.


We are an organization with a vision, and with an intention to serve the society for a long time. Therefore, we deal with all the necessary compliances, approvals, rules, and regulations governing the standards of education in India with utmost care and precision. The business association with our associates, clients, partners, vendors, consultants, etc. is documented adhering to all the related rules and regulations. Our products and services are all aligned with the set of rules prescribed by the national, regional and local educational authorities. At Citis, we religiously follow the educational policy framework.

Client Satisfaction

Of course, for us, client satisfaction constitutes an important part of our work. We not only serve our clients to the best of our products and services but also ensure that we always be in touch with them for any assistance that they may require from time to time. Moreover, we also gather the timely feedback of our clients from, thus giving us an opportunity to revisit our products and services, and bring continuous improvement in our service levels.

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Windows Of Opportunity

Rishi University helps to prepare talents from under represented backgrounds for successful student careers.
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Why Choose Us

We believe that ideas can change life that is why our curriculum
is developed to encourage new ideas.

Intellectually Diverse

All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

Driven By Our Curiosity

All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

Our Scholarship

All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

Globally Focused

All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

Idea Generation

All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

Teaching Methods

All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

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