Put the proof in your portfolios

The future belongs to those who create. Whether it’s to inform, persuade, entertain, or inspire, success in the digital age means communicating in visually rich and interactive ways. With a firm grasp on the world’s most powerful creative tools, Adobe Certified Professionals are ready to make their mark.

Adobe Certified Professional is the industry-recognized certification that demonstrates mastery of Adobe Creative Cloud software and must-have knowledge for digital media careers. Each exam is integrated with an Adobe application and designed by experts, allowing for an authentic assessment of job-ready skills.

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    Windows Of Opportunity

    Rishi University helps to prepare talents from under represented backgrounds for successful student careers.
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    Why Choose Us

    We believe that ideas can change life that is why our curriculum
    is developed to encourage new ideas.

    Intellectually Diverse

    All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

    Driven By Our Curiosity

    All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

    Our Scholarship

    All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

    Globally Focused

    All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

    Idea Generation

    All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

    Teaching Methods

    All over Europe rulers and city governments began to create universities to satisfy a European.

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